As we’re nearing the end of the year and there’s a new arrival in the Felton household (baby Hadley was born on Fireworks night!) I thought I’d check in with a little post before the year’s over. Our newborn is now six weeks old and it’s flown by. Having a baby around Christmas time is joyful and I can’t wait to switch off and clock out to enjoy the holidays with my family. But before I do, I’ve had a few messages over on Instagram about what I’m buying the kids this year.

Hector is 22 months old now and into everything and Hadley is so little she really doesn’t have a clue about Christmas, however that doesn’t mean I won’t be treating her to a few special gifts. When they’re this little I’m all about focussing on seasonal gifts with staying power. Items that feel special enough to warrant being a real treat at Christmas, but that have the ability to be enjoyed for the long haul. Each of these buys will be loved hard over the next few years.
There’s still time to get some of that last minute shopping ticked off online and even if you’re all done and dusted with your Christmas list (well done you!) these picks really will make any kids – and mamas – eyes light up all year round if you’re looking for inspo for upcoming birthdays.
Micro Scooters Mini Micro Deluxe
Whenever we go to the park Hector’s eyes light up when he spots another child using their scooter. I’ve been putting off getting him one while he has been learning to get steady on his feet but now’s the time to introduce this fun mode of transport. So excited to get Hector on his Micro Scooter. The Mini Micro Deluxe is the perfect training model for little legs (plus, he’s got other sit-on ride-along toys and so I wanted to get him straight into a traditional scooter without the little seat). Obviously I’m expecting a few tumbles at first and so he’s also got the Micro Helmet, knee and elbow pads. An all round investment because his little sister can have the scooter too once he goes up into the next model. Bonus!
Pottery Barn Kids Outer Space Bedspread
Towards the end of my pregnancy I read that it’s ideal to transition siblings into a different bedroom at least six weeks prior to the new baby’s arrival. Well that deadline came and passed! We decided not to unsettle Hector and let him stay in his cot in the nursery until we really need it. Hadley will sleep in our bedroom for at least the first five to six months anyway. However to start the process off, we decided to decorate the spare bedroom with Hector in mind. To make it more inviting for him! After painting the walls and putting down new carpet, the final touches are now being put in place. I’m styling the room with all of the things Hector loves, including stars and planets, which is where this bedspread and pillow comes into play. It’s something we’ll all enjoy snuggling under for years to come.
Seventy Seven 84’s Knitted Letter Decor
Instagram is a world of unique small makers and crafters and I love discovering new brands through those small beautiful squares. Case in point, Seventy Seven 84 whose knitted treasures are amazing. Unique letters and words to hang on the wall, or lean on a shelf, both Hector and Hadley have their names knitted in grey and yellow. Something timeless that can be moved from room to room, house to house and I hope they’ll enjoy at whatever age.
Alex and Alexa’s Lego Inredning Storage Bricks
Any mum knows tidying at the end of the day is one of those love/hate tasks. Hate doing it once the kids are in bed and you’re literally so tired your eyes can barely focus, love the instant gratification of a tidy(ish), toy-free room for the evening. I swear by large toy tubs and boxes that I can quickly throw everything into. Minimum effort, maximum impact. Top of the list are these Lego Inredning storage bricks. They look amazing stacked in a kitchen/lounge/kids bedroom and ensure you’re not walking on rogue Duplo bricks which we all know is more painful than childbirth!
Avery Row’s Nordic Forest Stay & Play Mat
In a house with hard wood flooring and earthy sisal carpets, I’m always on the hunt for hardwearing and comfy cushioning for the kids to play on. Those foam mats that fit together like a jigsaw are great for the patio, but indoors I like to have something softer and easier on the eye! Enter Avery Row’s beautiful play mat with cute nordic forest trees and sunny yellow piping. The perfect addition to our kitchen/diner floor, the tots can share this cosy piece and no doubt it’ll become the foundation for many dens for my little explorers as they begin to learn and play together.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years!