Jade Williams aka Sunday Girl and Fashion Editor
Sunday Girl launched her collection in collaboration with Firetrap earlier this week at London’s Hazlitts Hotel. Hitting stores at the end of September this year, Sunday Girl Jade Williams told me how she’d been hands-on with the planning and execution of the launch. She’d picked up the flowers at Columbia Road flower market, dragged the plush green B&Q turf up the hotel’s stairs with her own fair hands and her nan had baked the cakes for the afternoon tea. I was impressed!
Sunday Girl went onto explain her love for art and sketching and how she’d used plaited hair extensions to design the equestrian-meets-vintage-Hermes-scarf inspired prints which decorated the silky dress, tank, shirt and lining of the leather jacket. “My boyfriend’s a hairdresser and there were loads of hair extensions lying around his flat,” she explained. “I plaited them to create a kind of rope effect.”
With cowhide bags and a fantastical fur Russian hat forming the accessories and finishing touches of the collection, Sunday Girl for Firetrap is the ultimate for lovers of girl-goth design.