Inspired by an army of ants Bora Aksu placed giant crochet creepy crawlies in hair and as bracelets on arms. Fashion Editor finds this mildly amusing due to the fact that she spent two weeks at the end of august trying to teach herself to crochet using a Wonder How To video. The aim? One of the multicoloured blankets my great aunt used to make. Oxfam were selling these at Vintage Goodwood Festival this summer for about £60. A rainbow array of wool meant parting with a mere £5 at my local Franklins store but alas, I’m still trying to master ‘links’ and ‘granny squares’.

Bora Aksu SS11

Only Hannah Marshall could pull off an all black cocktail gown for summer. Marshall’s sheer theme continued on the shoes too. No pic I’m afraid but imagine sheer tight-like material wrapped around the back of the shoe to create a peek-a-boo pyramid between the platform and heel. So beautiful.