Rings in order top to bottom:
Ludgate Circus, £135
Monument, £72
Sigma, £58
Hoxton Square, £61
Total price, £326 Daisy Jewellery
Just had the best afternoon PR appointment ever with the lovely Sophia Green. Daisy Jewellery is the ultimate stackable ring haunt and Fashion Editor’s just spent the last 30 minutes trying out all of the latest designs. So here it is… Fashion Editor’s very own stack-you-own ring set. I’m in love!
Hit daisyjewellery.com now and test out the ring stacker, it’s addictive. Plus if you send your design to the Daisy Jewellery Facebook wall (visit the Daisy Jewellery Facebook here) from now until 1pm Wednesday 9th June, you could be lucky enough to win your design.