Barbour Jacket


Barbour wax

Having written numerous magazine articles of late about the weird, bipolar weather we’re experiencing, you think I’d take onboard some of my own advice. I’ve written about clever layering, about styling new spring purchases for now (aka how to give them a cosy spin) and have been generally trying to do everything but tell readers to buy a plastic mac and grab their brolly – and keep hold of them for the whole of May.

In reality, I’m simply living in my Barbour jacket. Sorry, my mum’s Barbour jacket. Kindly donated to me last year its been a staple, providing shelter from all the sporadic downpours. However, it desperately needs re-waxing,  having pretty much lost all of its waterproof ability over the years.

Which leads me onto my dilemma – to re-wax or to buy brand new?

A couple of tins of wax, the man hours and bicep ache, versus, a dent in my bank balance. Humph.